Ash Property Partners
Ash Property Partnership Ltd was born out of the frustration the directors experienced throughout a planning application. We know what it is like to have spent a small fortune on specialist reports and expert opinions only for a planning officer to refuse the application on technical or policy points, backed up by incorrect data.

Over a four-year period (and two planning refusals) we sort experts to collate the correct information via Freedom of information requests, and in June 2023 we were successful in securing planning consent for the first phase of 24 units, and equally important holding the local planning authority to account, with the Inspectorate stating that they had failed their Statutory Duty. With this knowledge and the supporting team around us we are now able to take on planning applications that have previously been refused.

Local to East Anglia
As a family business that blends the agility and experience of a small company, linked to a private funding line, we have an established track record working in partnership with landowners to obtain the best value for their land.